Dok's Reapers Way- Hot Foot powder
Foot track work (using the foot prints, or leaving powders, charms, or fetish in the pathway of a target you wish to lay roots on) has long been method of working conjure in many traditions especially in hoodoo and other traditions in the American south. None probably more infamous or widely used then good ol fashion Hot Foot powder. Traditionally laid in the path or doorway of a target, hot foot puts the "fire" in their feet to carry themselves right out of town and your life.
Many recipes for hot foot exist, most containing various spices or "hot" peppers as well as the chitin of various stinging insects. Dok Crows Reapers Way hot foot is so named because it is a extra strength formula that's base consists of Carolina Reaper peppers. This formula is extremely aggressive and not to be used lightly. It will light up a situation hotter then a highway in hell during august!
(For external use only! Wear hand and eye protection! Do not get in your eyes! Do not Ingest! And for the love of rum do not "Sniff" !)